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About Us

CEO Greetings


Despite challenges in domestic and international markets, A-Joo Fiiting has continually worked toward being a trusted Sustainable Company in the eyes of our customers and society.

Since our foundation in 1993, we have achieved noteworthy growth in the fields of Flange and looking to the future we are strengthening our competency as a developer for its quality and technology.

Our main objective is sustainable growth with our cusutomers and on this basis we are continually working to achieve profitability in our current key businesses, while strategically fostering our next growth businesses with the aim of becoming a Global Top Tier Flange company.

To this effect, we will further strengthen our expertise in our main businesses and nurture our human resources with the aim of growing A-Joo Fiiting into a more robust company.

I would like to thank you for the kind interest you have shown to A-JOO Fitting and vow to work toward a sustainable and trustworthy
Global A-Joo Fiiting.
Thank you.

A-Joo Fitting Co., Ltd.
CEO/ YoungTae Joo